

Monday 21 March 2011

Ulsan and the next move

I've been in Ulsan, South Korea for about a week now visiting my friend Nathan who I've not seen since just after my accident 5 years ago. We were working together in the same bar that summer and shortly after he went back home to the states so catching up with him has been quite a nostalgic experience.

Ulsan doesn't have a lot to offer in the way of tourism but I'm enjoying the Korean food that they have, plus I get a decent exchange rate which makes everything really cheap. The food here is served raw  then you cook it yourself on a grill that is in the centre of the table, the spicy foods that they have are really tasty as well. My favourite drink is a 20% sweet alternative to vodka that is drunk from a shot glass, usually playing games.

After what happened in Japan last week I'm still undecided as to what my next move out of here will be. It should be safe to go to Osaka and Kyoto but I have a passport that I need to pick up from the embassy in Tokyo as well, I think that I'll give it a couple more days here in Ulsan to see if the advice for travelling around that area changes before I decide what to do next.


  1. Good to see you back again... I think the radiation is a slight worry. The area affected seems to be getting larger, as you'd expect. It may be a little chaotic, but if it's safe, I'd give it a try.

  2. If you feel it is safe then please go to Japan. They need all the good news possible and your story is an inspirational one. It is so sad to see the children who have lost everything. Possibly you can get some media interest but there may be a lot of red tape to cut through at the moment. Are you still in contact with the Japanese guy you had planned to visit?
