

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Don't lose it!

I thought that I'd messed up big time today. I went for a jeep safari this afternoon and as I got into the car the driver from the hotel told me there was no need for me to take my chair as we wouldn't get out. I didn't have a massive problem with that, he could take it back to the hotel and bring it back later.

The safari was really good. Going on a track through some dense jungle I got to see a couple of crocodiles and even a rhino, I missed out on seeing a tiger that apparently ran past when I was looking in the opposite direction.

I was sat in the canoe on the riverbank waiting for the driver to bring my chair back. When he brought it back it came without the cushion. I told him to go and get it, he disappeared to the jeep and came back without it. "Are you sure there was a cushion on there?". I flipped at the guy, "YES, there was a f*&king cushion on there. Now go and FIND IT!". There was a bit of messing about but to cut it short it had fell off the back of the jeep and we found it 20 minutes later.

I honestly thought leaving it with someone from the hotel would be a safe option but I was taught a lesson instead, at a relatively cheap price. I won't make that same mistake again, although it wouldn't mean the end of my trip it would make me work a lot more than I need to in order to get a suitable replacement. From now on the chair stays with me!


  1. Hehe, a good lesson well learnt but do you have a plan in case the worst happens and you lose the use of your chair/cushion? Can you get a spare cushion? What type of cushion do you have? Sorry to be a spoil sport ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There is so much deja vu going here it's making me laugh... you do learn to improvise in these situations... but that isn't good for long-term butt care :-)
